Lose weight healthy and consult your procedure with a specialist from the Time for Health project. Download our application and connect at https://casprozdravi.cz.The Time for Health application for Android will keep you connected with your nutritionist. Track your daily number of steps and inform the specialist about your progress.FOLLOW YOUR PROCEDURE- The most important charts on the home page of your phone- compare the steps for the previous period in clear graphs- monitor your daily energy intake- watch your weight changeADDING NEW MEASUREMENTS- easy entry of weight,% fat, blood pressure, heart rate, blood glucose, waist circumference- Automatic synchronization with the Time for Health websiteSYNCHRONIZATION- simple login with an account from https://casprozdravi.cz- be in contact with your nutritionistOur application is available in Czech and English.PARTNERS- VFN https://www.vfn.cz/- PRAGUE https://www.praha.eu/- VŠTJ http://www.vstj.cz/- Garmin https://www.garmin.cz/